Learning Culture as the Enabler of Marketing Transformation

Learning Culture as the Enabler of Marketing Transformation

Culture is a word that brings so many different meanings to mind. The Oxford dictionary provides the most basic meaning stated as the following, “the beliefs and attitudes about something that people in a particular group or organization share.” It further adds that the word can be considered a countable or uncountable noun. This is interesting as it allows the ordinary reader to identify the presence of different cultures that exist in our system.

However, culture can also be seen objectively in the shape of institutions and artifacts. Minkov (2013) states how these can be divided into visible and invisible cultures. Visible culture includes arts, clothing, and other material items within a culture that can be seen and studied. In comparison, invisible culture includes laws, marriage, and political and business systems, which silently create the fabric of a culture.

For the sustainability of business growth, a culture of learning or learning culture where employees continuously seek, share, and apply new knowledge and skills to improve individual and organizational enforcement is imperative. Thus, it is important for marketing transformation to quickly learn and adapt new ways to produce the best business results.

So why create a high-impact learning culture? According to research from Bersin by Deloitte, companies with high-impact learning cultures experience three times greater profit growth than their competitors over four years. The reason? Employees with current knowledge and skills directly impact their company’s performance and ability to adapt.

Having a culture of learning is an endorsement of high-performance organizations. Top companies are almost five times more likely than lower performers to have extensive learning cultures.

High performers are nearly two times more apt to say their learning functions help meet organizational business goals. A sustainable marketing strategy can be defined as creating and maintaining relationships with the client and the natural and social environment. Marketing strategies need to go beyond the concept of only selling in today’s fast-paced, ever-changing world. Providing the customer with solutions that take ecological orientation into account for a more personal experience has become the need of the hour. This can only be cultivated if the mindset of the business organization is that of growth and learning. In the same way, it is meaningful to use advertisements that show consideration for nurturing and care of the environment and nature.

There are environmentally-friendly advertisements available nowadays to help sustainable businesses achieve marketing goals.

Performance management involves getting managers and employees together to plan, monitor, and review employee productivity and contribution. In addition, employees need to see how and what they learn contributes to their success. This, in return, impacts the growth of sales and achievements on a wider scale as good results reap motivation in employees to continue to evolve their marketing strategies.

Business organizations undergo not only episodic but continuous and disruptive changes as well. Those changes make the organization need transitional developmental and transformational initiatives. Thus, the discovery and utilization of technology have brought fundamental and revolutionary changes worldwide. These changes have enabled companies to have better opportunities in creating and delivering value to their customers.

We have learned how a learning culture enables marketing transformation. We will now delve deeper to see what measures can be practiced to ensure growth. It cannot be emphasized enough that effective communication is key between the employer and employee and the customer. Strong communication skills are a must for everyone in the learning culture. The second most important element within a business organization is a strong support system.

With that being said, there are three areas for effective support for selling. Sales management, marketing, and operations. Networking comes next as one of the best characteristics of a learning culture. Attend events, use social media, and routinely talk to people in your own network. Such fruitful activities help you learn about the latest and the greatest in your market/industry. Ask people around you to tell you what changes they’re noticing, what innovations, and what they’re doing to learn and improve.

Next in line is enhancing and sharing with your peers all that you have learned and benefitted from, alongside sharing what did not work and what alternates can be used instead.
Maintaining a growth chart every week or having an in-house publication share feedback and achievements is also a great way to stay motivated to achieve better goals.

With the advancement of the internet, Digital transformation has become the number one marketing tool, and it is all about harnessing the digital enterprise. It means using technology to continuously evolve all aspects of the business model, including what it offers, how it interacts with customers, and how it operates.

Simply put, digital transformation is a way to future-proof a business. Companies should define their ambitions and then act accordingly for companies to succeed. Marketing in the digital age isn’t just about an innovative idea, a new leader, or a major initiative. It’s about taking a set of deliberate and reinforcing steps that result in developing strong digital decisions. Areas where digital marketing is soaring high, are social media platforms, especially through Facebook ads and Google. The age of digital marketing is ripe, and a wide and diverse audience can be reached through these platforms. Time and region do not act as barriers through digital marketing as it can be done around the clock, seven days a week. The prospects of a global market have never been as vibrant and diverse as now. The challenges of coming up with new and incommensurable ways of putting a product across a targeted consumer have become arduous. Still, they can be overcome through diligent work within the business organization.

All resources need to be exhausted that are available to keep up with the game with the competitors and the consumers alike. A learning culture in any organization bears good fruit, which everyone can taste, from the employer to the consumer and the employee and environment along with them.


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